Can Hydro cortisone hydrate your skin better than the leading brand aveeno lotion ?

Normally hydrocortisone is used for infected skin or irritation, but me I use it daily as a treatment lotion. Meaning to hydrate my skin after my daily washing, and seal in all moisture to leave my skin glowing and silky smooth. Compared to a regular lotion which is supposed to lock in moisture for up to 24 hours. During my study I tested the moisture in my skin after 2 hours of applying both moisturizers on different days of the week. Most people don't know the benefits of using hydrocortisone because it has to prescribed by a doctor but after receiving it you will fall in love with how great it works better than your average store bought lotion.

Dive into Chemistry:
To start, lets dive into 3 of the major chemicals found in the Hydrocortisone and the Aveeno lotion and see how they work and the purpose. The most important is the petrolatum which is the moisturizing agent in both lotions/ointments used. It is mostly in the product to promote moisture, soothing of the skin and decreases itching and flaking. Also adds to the protection against skin irritation. The second most important is water, with the water molecule being in both products it provides a second layer which locks in moisture also creating a protective layer for natural oils in your skin. The last important chemical in both treatments is Benzyl Alcohol, this help fight any bacteria left behind after cleansing the skin with facial wash, having this at a 3.5 % rate works faster and better against bacteria and parasites.

1. Apply neutrogena facial wash
2. Use a facial brush to massage the wash into pores to remove all dirt,makeup and bacteria from face.
3. After massaging, wash face with cold water. (cold water helps close pores) 
4. Apply Hydrocortisone or Aveeno depending on day 
5. Morning of, Apply more of which ever moisturizer of choice. 
6. Wear all day and record difference in both moisturizers. 
7. Take a picture or video to embrace the gloowwwww! 


Observations/ Reviews 
Hydrocortisone was wayyyy better with giving me the glow I wanted along with clearing my skin up as much as possible. leaving little to no blemishes or red skin tone. 
Aveeno was not as helpful with clearing my skin but it did seal in moisture. It was very soft and removed dry and damaged skin. 

I do not have any recommendation for either moisturizers, both work very well all day. I tested both 24 hour moisturizer claims and they both worked, the hydrocortisone just was better at achieving a glow. 


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